PMC Safeguarding


Strengthening Organisational Safety and Compliance

Safeguarding Audit PMC Safeguarding

Safeguarding Audit

Safeguarding audits review and assess the effectiveness of safeguarding policies, procedures, and practices. The purpose of safeguarding audits is to ensure that an organisation is creating a safe environment and taking appropriate measures to protect individuals, especially vulnerable populations such as children, young people, and adults at risk, from harm, abuse, or neglect. Safeguarding audits are essential for organisations to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. They are highly recommended as part of inspection preparedness.

How we can Help?

Safeguarding audits will focus on:

Policy and Procedure Review, Staff Training and Awareness, Record Keeping:
Reviewing documentation and records related to safeguarding, such as incident reports, risk assessments, and records of staff training.
Safer Recruitment Practices, Physical Environment: Examining the physical environment of the organisation to identify potential risks and hazards and ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to address these concerns.

Communication and Reporting Mechanisms:
Reviewing how the organisation communicates its safeguarding policies to stakeholders, including staff, service users, and parents, and assessing the effectiveness of reporting mechanisms for raising concerns.

Partnerships and Collaboration:
Evaluating how the organisation collaborates with external agencies and partners, such as social services, law enforcement, and healthcare providers, to enhance safeguarding efforts.

Incident Response:
Assessing the organisation’s response to safeguarding incidents, including the effectiveness of investigations, support provided to those affected, and the implementation of preventive measures to avoid future incidents.


PMC, an international safeguarding practitioner and school evaluator, offers expertise to undertake audits for schools. With a global perspective, PMC brings knowledge and experience to assess and ensure compliance with safeguarding standards. The audits are tailored to each school’s context, aiming to create the best safeguarding environment for students. PMC’s dual focus on compliance and best practices demonstrates a commitment to meeting regulatory requirements while exceeding them to establish exemplary safeguarding frameworks. This comprehensive approach aligns with the evolving importance of safeguarding in educational institutions worldwide.

Client-Centric Approach

  • Collaborative
  • Understanding the audit objectives
  • School’s input
  • Tailored action plan
  • Continuous Support
  • Support to schools on implementation of recommendations, creating an action plan, policy review and updates as well as follow up audits.