PMC Safeguarding


Transforming Education: Embracing Trauma-Informed Practice

Trauma Informed Practice

Trauma Informed Practice

Trauma-informed practice refers to an approach used in various fields, including education, healthcare, social services, and mental health, that recognises and responds to the widespread impact of trauma on individuals. This approach is based on an understanding of the potential effects of trauma on a person’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

PMC provides training for teachers and school staff on how trauma may present in an educational environment, and how implementing trauma-informed responses and strategies will support the specific needs of students who have experienced adversity.

How we can Help?

  • Education & Training
  • Create trauma informed policies
  • Build awareness
  • Set clear expectations
  • Trauma sensitive
  • teaching practices
    Parental involvement and education programmes


PMC, with extensive experience in trauma work, offers support to schools in understanding how students impacted by trauma may present in the school environment. Leveraging their knowledge, PMC assists in identifying potential triggers and provides strategies for effectively supporting vulnerable students. The support is tailored to each school’s unique context, emphasising a holistic approach to create a safe and supportive environment for those affected by trauma.

Client-Centric Approach

By adopting a client-centred trauma-informed approach, schools can create a nurturing and empowering environment that supports the healing and development of students who have experienced trauma. This approach recognises the individuality of each student and aims to foster resilience and well-being.